ItsElectric / Solvor Lietchesticnk

Day 1 December 4th 1963

He is asleep. Dont wake him up, he has been fixated on that damn corner. He just stares and breathes heavily every time i am in the room. i dont like it. i domt like Him. he was admitted her for "mental issuses" but i believe he needs to believe put in a straightjacket and never to see the light day again. he is a monster for what hes done. a monster. anyway i digress im goign keep this page updated if this bitch does anything crazy. he will, i bet and this whole place will go done with him amd his stupid fantasies. the fact that he was brought to be a "prophet' towards our company but i just cant wrap my head around it. why bring a deranged psycho who is menatlly ill to do such an important development in scientific history. why him. im going on a tangent ill keep you people updated, if i can.

Day 2 December 5th 1963

Solvor is more agotated now. he seems desperate for something. but what? thats my role here at this stupid fucking company. to find out what the deranged psycho wants to do with his life. im stuck in the stupid neighbourhood of Kapykchan. they all seems nice but thats just a way to maks their true identity, allsion was going mad and crazy over here paitent Dr. Sam Turner. he was shoeing signs of the infection which apparently was good for the highet ups. i dont want to be here anymore. i just want to leave with allison and escape this stupid frozen tundra of a neighbourhood. god. what am i doing. i have being seing this game while i sleep. i toos and turn while thinking about it. its mutation at its finest. anyway its late. i better nod off before i hate myself in the morning.